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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fresh Seo tips 5

1.      Which server to use for redirecting a page?
One of the most important Fresh Seo tips 4 is to redirect your page through server that permanently redirects and makes sure the search engines know that it is a permanent change. You can do this by 301 http server redirect.
2.      HTTP 302 redirects
This is only used by spammers. This is only for a temporary redirect.
3.      Inbound links:
Inbound links are those that you get from other sites. The tip is that you get as many of these as possible. You can get better results if you get the links from reputed names on the web.
4.      Keyword placement:
Another search engine marketing tip is to place the keyword in the first paragraph of the content. Again do not repeat it again and again in the content.
5.      Internal links:
Links are quite important and you can get these by internally linking the page of a website. They won’t be as helpful as inbound ones but they can help you a bit.


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